The UAV control room at the US Department of Homeland Security illustrates the ability to control the aircraft remotely. In 1984, Skynet, the super com puter that rules a future Earth, sent a cyborg assas sin, a “ter mi na tor,” back to our time. His job was to liq ui date the woman who would give birth to John Con nor, the leader of the under ground human resis tance of Skynet’s time. You with me so far? That, of course, was the plot of the first Termi na tor movie and for the multi-millions who saw it, the images of future machine war — of hunter-killer drones fly ing above a wasted land scape — are unfor get table. Hunter-killer drones armed with Hell fire mis siles are patrolling the Pentagon’s expand ing global bat tle fields: It’s a scene right out of Ter mi na tor.
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