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Sony buys out Ericsson for $1.5 billion
Google TV: Second time's the charm?
Google TV was still ambitious, but it was also confusing, buggy, and bloated. And the major TV networks (including CBS, CNET's parent company) quickly began blocking Google TV from receiving streaming-video versions of prime-time shows, eliminating one of the platform's major theoretical selling points.
Once it was obvious that Google TV 1.0 was no landmark product, Google stopped talking much about it, except for an occasional acknowledgment that it planned to update it. I began to wonder if it might not survive the pruning of not-so-successful products that Google has undertaken in recent months.

The new Google TV
(Credit: Google)
On Friday, Google finally revealed its plans for Google TV in detail. It's releasing a major upgrade that will show up on Google TV-equipped Sony TVs next week, and on the Revue shortly thereafter.
Judging from Google's blog post about the update, it's less about packing in more features--Google TV had plenty of those already--and more about trying to crystallize the basic idea into something a little more refined and coherent. The new version will have what Google says is a simpler interface; it'll play up YouTube more; it's designed to make it easier to find TV shows and movies in both streaming and over-the-air form; and it has a version of the Android Market that will start out with about 50 apps.
The first version of Google TV arrived at a time when a lot of people were all worked up about the notion of cord-cutting: Cancelling cable service and relying entirely on Internet streaming for TV. It also seemed to compete directly with the second-generation Apple TV, which arrived at about the same time and which clearly had ambitions to enable its owners to cut the cord.
But Google TV wasn't ever really about cord-cutting. Actually, one of the most audacious things about it was its search feature, which tried to replace the classic cable-TV programming grid with a search engine that let you Google all the shows on all the channels you were paying for. (The first pass at this feature didn't work all that well, but I still admired the concept.)
With its comments so far on the new update, Google is working harder than it did the first time to explain what Google TV is and isn't--and that it's not about cord cutting. For one thing, it makes the fact that major content providers continue to block their shows from reaching Google TV less catastrophic. For another, it lets the company devote more effort to Google TV's YouTube feature, which won't replace cable anytime soon but has plenty of potential to be a nifty supplement to it, especially as it adds more professional content.
What's more, for every argument in favor of cutting the cord right now, there's at least one against it--such as the fact that live news and sports are plentiful on cable and scarce on the Web.
In short, Google's now-more-clearly-articulated goal of melding conventional TV with the Web rather than rendering TV as we knew it obsolete makes sense. It may not change everything, but you know what? No other living-room Internet product has changed everything either, including Apple TV. And Google says there will be some all-new devices based on its platform next year, which means that this update is less Google TV 2.0 than it is Google TV 1.5.
We may need a few more generations of Google TV, Apple TV, and other competitors before anything comes along that has a shot at being a historic breakthrough of the sort that the iPodwas a decade ago. I'm glad Google seems to understand that--and that it plans to keep plugging away at the challenge rather than filing it away with failed experiments such as Wave and Buzz.
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Battlefield 3 - Living up to the hype!
Now, the Battlefield series (not to be confused with DICE’s Bad Company games) has always provided players with a deep multiplayer experience, but this time around, DICE strapped on a single player campaign as well. The story puts players in the boots of a US Marine named Sgt Black, who via flash backs during an interrogation sequence, divulges the plot of the game. It seems a fanatical terrorist has stolen some nukes and is hell bent on detonating them in Paris and New York. Black obviously is not a huge fan of his plan and does everything in his power to stop it.
Battlefield’s campaign borrows heavily from other shooters on the block, and to be fair, it does deliver some pretty cinematic set pieces with much aplomb. You’ll co-pilot a jet raining hell fire on ground targets, survive multiple ambushes with your troops, manoeuvre a tank through enemy lines, take control of a turret mounted atop a jeep through a war-torn fictitious Middle Eastern country, survive a catastrophic earthquake, and lots more.
The action, while clichéd is frantic enough most of the time, especially during the indoor levels where you’ll be shredding through walls, glass, desks and pretty much anything that comes between you and your target. Unfortunately, the campaign is bogged down heavily by a ‘been there done that’ vibe that never really allows the game to create an identity for itself. Not helping matters is the fact that the AI is completely stupid, some of the missions felt a bit contrived, and the campaign went a tad overboard with its quick time events (QTEs).
Multiplayer is, of course, the main reason most of you will pick up Battlefield 3, and it is without a doubt a freaking ball. Battlefield: Bad Company 2 veterans will feel right at home with the game’s multiplayer modes like Conquest, Rush, Squad and Team Deathmatch. Each of these modes can be played across the game’s nine vast maps. You can start your Battlefield 3 career off by dabbling with some of the more straightforward versus modes like Squad Deathmatch before you jump into the more complex, large scale ones. During Squad/Team Deathmatch, every map is cut down drastically in size, where a sizeable chunk of the map is cordoned off to provide some up close and personal combat.
If you aren’t too good at pulling the trigger, don’t sweat it; you can take up a support role since Battlefield 3 encourages and rewards players for playing as a team. You could chose to be a medic and heal your teammates or go in for a support class and make sure they never run of ammunition. As you level up your respective classes, you’ll unlock better abilities for them. For example, when you start the assault class, you’ll be limited to med packs, but once you level up, you’ll unlock the defib kit that allows you to bring your team/squad mates back from the dead.
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Suspected US satellite hacking attacks: Reaction
Hackers interfered with two US satellites four times between 2007 and 2008, according to reports.
The claim is made in a draft paper prepared for the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission, according to the Bloomberg news agency.
It said the incidents involved the Landsat-7 and Terra AM-1 earth observation systems which were targeted through a ground station in Norway. The satellites are used to observe the earth's climate and terrain.
The report highlights the risks that would have been posed had the breaches involved satellites with "more sensitive functions".
The draft document notes that previous penetrations have involved individuals linked to the Chinese underground community. The Chinese government has repeatedly denied its role in computer attacks.
The BBC asked three security experts for their views:
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BlackBerry 'puts monitoring centre' in India
MUMBAI — Research In Motion (RIM) has set up a facility in Mumbai to help the Indian government conduct surveillance checks on the company's BlackBerry services, the Wall Street Journal said on Friday.
The financial daily quoted unnamed people familiar with the matter who said the Canadian firm opened the centre earlier this year to deal with requests from Indian intelligence agencies.
No one was immediately available for comment at either RIM or India's telecoms ministry when contacted by AFP.
RIM and the Indian government have been embroiled in a row over access to BlackBerry services, in particular encrypted email and instant message facilities that New Delhi fears could be used by extremists to plot attacks.
Multiple deadlines have been issued to the firm to comply with government requests for monitoring.
The Wall Street Journal said RIM was now allowing surveillance of BlackBerry Internet services and the company was no longer facing the prospect of shutdowns.
RIM was complying with intercept requests on suspect individuals once it was satisfied the demand had legal authorisation, it added.
In January, Home Minister P. Chidambaram said RIM had already given India access to its instant messaging service and the government would press for access to the corporate email service.
India's Telecoms Minister Milind Deora was quoted as saying by the daily that the government still wants to "find some middle ground" with RIM.
For its part, RIM said India was "applying its security policy in a consistent manner to all handset makers and service providers in India, which means that RIM should not be singled out any more than any other provider".
India, which has the world's fastest-growing number of mobile users, has also told Google and Skype to set up servers in the country to allow law enforcers to screen traffic.
RIM has faced similar requests from governments in the Middle East and Asia. It has said it cannot give access to corporate email because the security keys are with individual companies.